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Breastfeeding + Coronavirus

Writer: AdrianaAdriana

Updated: Apr 8, 2020

It's the hottest topic right now in the media, around the dinner table, and at the water cooler. The Coronavirus has officially turned into a pandemic. Very shortly after it became known in China, I started taking precautions because I knew this could cripple the global economy. I'm not a doctor or scientist, but I am a mom who has common sense. It also doesn't hurt that I am surrounded by experts in science and medicine. My dad actually warned me about this happening before it got to China. But that's another conversation.

As you know, my breastfeeding goal has been 1 year. Well, we reached that mark a month ago. And although I am not shouting it off the rooftops, I am very proud of myself and of Stella. I was starting to wean her from her night feedings before the Coronavirus appeared. But when I found out the severity of it when it was in Wuhan, I decided to continue with it so that I could keep my supply up. I mean, you never know, right?

Well, what I did know was how contagious it is and that the medical systems here in the states couldn't handle the inevitable pandemic at our doorstep so, I decided to keep my supply up and keep breastfeeding through the night. If I said the coronavirus was the only reason for continuing to feed her at night, that would be a lie. That being said, it did, however, make me press the pause button on nighttime weaning.

I started doing some research on the virus and breastfeeding. You may have seen my post about on IG. In case you didn't, I'll repost it here for those of you who don't have IG.

Can you continue to breastfeed if you get coronavirus? Yes. 🤱🏼 Those who become infected shortly before giving birth and then begin breastfeeding, and those who become infected while breastfeeding, will produce specific secretory IgA antibodies and many other critical immune factors in their milk to protect their nursing infants and enhance their infants’ own immune responses. 📢⁣ At this time, these immunologic factors will aid their infants’ bodies to respond more effectively to exposure and infection. Following good hygiene practices will also help reduce the transfer of the virus 🦠 ⁣ If someone who is breastfeeding becomes ill, it is important not to interrupt nursing. The baby has already been exposed to the virus and will benefit the most from continued breastfeeding.⁣ Make sure you wear a mask and protect your baby. Wash your hands often and sanitize everything!

Isn't breastfeeding amazing? Aren't our bodies truly a miracle? Continue on mama! You're doing great.



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