Okay so you're about to have a baby and you're in nesting mode. You've been researching which items you need and want and get overwhelmed with what you really need. You have probably gotten a few emails from businesses bidding for you to use their baby registry and subscribe to their subscription boxes. I know that I did and holy moly is it a lot to take in and decipher! And after some research, I ended up going with Baby List. It looked cute and tailored for each person and that's what I wanted. Here are the pros and cons based on my experience with the platform:
Customer Service - You can send them an email and they get back to you within 24 hours. I had a few issues and they were always available and helpful, although, they couldn't help me 100%.
Platform Integration - You're able to integrate your other lists to this one. Also a con. See below.
Intro Message - There is a super cute message you can leave for your guests that I haven't seen on other lists.
It is user friendly for the mom-to-be. You can share your list, add another registry, and see how many days until your due date all in one place.
You're able to see who purchased/registered what item. This makes it easy to keep track of who gave you what for those thank you notes.
The reservation and checkout process for guests is very confusing. The majority of my guests had issues and found it user non-friendly. I that a thing? Not a good feeling!
Their selection of items is pretty limited. You have to use anther store for all the items you'll need as a new mom.
Platform Integration - Most items have to come from another registry which means you have to transfer the other lists to your Baby List registry. Then, you have to make sure to either do it all in one shot, which never happens, or go through and delete each item after you transfer it to Baby List. If not, all the items on Baby List will duplicate. A total pain in the ass.
Once an item is "reserved" they have to go back to Baby List and mark it as purchased. What? Why can't they make this seamless? We received gifts that didn't show it as purchased so it was left on the registry and we got duplicate gifts.
Items that have been purchased still show as available.
All in all, if I do it again, I would probably go with Amazon Baby Registry next time. There have been some aggravating challenges to say the least. Although they do lay out that the buyer needs to go back and list their item as purchased, most people aren't remembering. This should be an automated process, not manual. Other lists also give you a gift for using their registry. Hope this helped you new mamas out there!
To get an idea of what I registered for you can find my registry here.